MedMal Claims

More then 50 descriptive fields are on hand to describe every loaded Claim.
To enable XClaim Med to accept a new Claim these fields must be filled: policy, insured, claimant, leader reference, kind of damage, kind of conduct, department, date of loss, date of notification to Broker, status description, severity, reference, Broker, Loss Adjuster handler, kind of loss, date of notification, TPA receipt date, input date.

SEARCH function

To find a specific Claim record, or Claims with similar features by the same insured, you have, for example, this powerful search engine, with more then 40 matching fields.

BORDERAU file export

From every search result, a borderau spreadsheet file with a modular choice of 76 columns .xlsx file can be had!
The estimates and costs are here gathered in 3 groups [columns]:
- Professional [lawyers + specialists + medical expert + insured]
- Legal [legal team]
- TPA [claim adjuster estimate]
Besides the Claims' related data, XClaim Med gives you the following calculations automatically:
Total Reserve, Possible Recovery and Total Settled.

DIARY funtion

During the Claim process there are deadlines to be respected.
The agenda function allows to note these situations related to a given Claim, to avoid dangerous oversights. At the expected date, XClaim Med alerts you by an persistent email repeatedly sent in the following days, preventing that an ordinary carelessness will be converted in an capital loss.
This control panel allows you a managerial monitoring on the operative duties of each User, and it allows to check the executing performances of every single step in the Claim management processing.


By the XClaim Med's Costs module you can begin inputing the estimates of legal and medical experts, then the definitive fees, even with total sums. At any borderau file export the estimates and costs are matched in 3 macro categories: professional, legal and technical preventive check (TPA)


At the Claim process opening the Reserve results still to be assigned (RP). After the First Reserve fixing, this module save the Reserves history up to a certain date, till a Definitive Reserve estimation.


XClaim Med has one of its advantages in the documents flow management.
It is always necessary to attach to a Claim Communications and Documents in various formats, such as incoming and outgoing faxes, emails with attachments and every kind of files, pictures, and original paper documents. Once the document has been received or created, you can quickly attach it to the related Claim even by simply forwarding the email to the system.
Nothing will ever be lost, everything will be immediately available in a chronological order, online, for the authenticated user only.


This useful feature enables you to save time in sending all those standard communications from the Claims opening to the settlement. By extracting the required Claim's data automatically, you can send a fax or email in one of the following preformatted models: advice loss / documents request to the opposite party / broker's notice / lawyer's extrajudicial assignment / medical expert's assignment / lawyer's assignment / specialist's assignment / simple fax and/or email in free text.
The preformatted text of all these communications can be modified online before transmission.
Besides sending, it is eventually possible to create a .PDF file of every communication to save apart.


In case of Claim's damage recognition it is necessary to calculate the total settlemnet.
For this aim to become operative, the settlements module takes into account the insured value, excess percentage, deductible and opposite party legal fees. This feature automatically creates the settlement project, the shipping letter and the reimbursement receipt.
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